19 Jun

As it is already known that google shopping campaigns work well for e-commerce and B2C companies. In this article, we will be sharing some interesting tips and tricks to make them work better for you to boost your business revenue to the next level. Being a Best PPC Company, we understand the importance of shopping campaigns.

What Is Google Marchant Center?

If you were sticking to the search campaigns where you deal with keyword-level bidding, the shopping campaigns become very important especially, the elusive Google Merchant center. Google merchant center is the place where there is a lot of magic for shopping campaigns. This is the place where products and data feeds are kept live. A product data feed refers to the group of products that you sell. We as a top PPC company in Delhi have strong and excellent expertise in managing the product listing campaigns. It is a special format required by Google with tons of attributes that describe your products very well. Some key attributes of the Google product feed is as follows:

  • ID: a unique identifier used to identify the product
  • Title: it refers to the name of your product
  • Description: it refers to the descriptive information about your product
  • Product category: in this, you try to select Google's predetermined product categories.
  • Product Type: determined by you
  • Link to your products page on the website
  • Availability
  • Price

Best Tips For Maintaining The Google Merchant Center:

You can't think of setting a product listing ad campaign until and unless your products feed is rightly set up, this is super important as incorrect feed values may lead to product disapproval. Google data feeds are a big key to your success in shopping campaigns, here are some factors that you must keep in mind while creating the campaigns:

  • As shopping campaigns don't use keywords, we being the best PPC company in India believe that it is necessary to use catchy titles and attractive descriptions to attract your potential buyers.
  • Ensure your prices are 100% accurate and up to the mark especially while dealing with the international currencies

Creating Your Shopping Campaign:

Assuming that your data feed is in a perfect shape, and you have perfectly linked AdWords account with the google merchant center account, you are almost ready to create the shopping campaign. Once the campaign is created, you just have to think about how to organize your ad groups as per the brand and the product type. However sometimes, people forget to exclude all products in their respective ad groups. If you do this, all the products will be shown in the specific ad group which only increases your average CPC.

  • Companies with small data feed use only one ad group
  • Companies with big data feed use multiple ad groups

DigitalOye is one of the top PPC Advertising Agency in Delhi that offers cheap Services.

Read More https://www.digitaloye.com/blog/best-tips-ticks-hacks-for-google-shopping-campaigns

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